6 Realistic And No-Bullshit Truths On Becoming The Better You

M. F.
5 min readDec 1, 2021


Everyone is trying. I’ve learnt a bunch of things on my path of following my dreams that I want to share so other people on the same path can continue on more enlightened. Reality check right ahead.

1. Listen To Advice. Don’t Believe It.

I know who you are. An ambitious and freedom loving independent thinker who just wants to solve the game. The truth is, that the online world is full of valuable tips and tricks that you can apply to your disposal; however, if you want to be a cut from the rest, you can’t avoid making up your own mind.

You have to figure out your own strategy. If you’re set on copy-pasting your way to success, please be prepared to be disappointed. You can’t attain your goals if you can’t even devote to yourself on a deep level.

And I’m not saying that following great advice can’t get you to higher heights, but if you’re set on sculpting your higher self, it’s not a skin-deep effort.

2. Make Money Fast Schemes are Bullshit

Disclaimer: There are a million ways to make a decent amount of money, especially online. Getting a job online for starters, gives most of us many options. There are even employers who will give people who don’t have much experience a chance to work. Trust me, I’ve been there. And all it takes is a little bit of strategy, preparation, and a lot of applications.

However, if you’re thinking of making a LOT of money. Let’s say five figures and above, then let’s get down to the tea: You can’t make this type of money in a month or two. I would say with good effort, you can reach it in 2 years if you devote to it. Hell, you can even reach 6 figures given the circumstances.

People or groups who promise to make you 5 figures on the dot are bullshitting you, getting you to buy a product, or are in denial of the effort they themselves have to make.

Hey, I’m not saying there aren’t people who luck out on digital assets like NFT, crypto, stocks, and get a fortune. And sure there are a lot of cases where people make money by random. I’m just saying that if you want to level up your expenses, you need to devote your time to something that can make you income.

First, focus on getting capital, or getting a source of capital. Then re-invest that capital. Baby steps, don’t do too much at once. And yes, it will all be good in the end. You’re becoming financially independent and literate. You will thank yourself in the years to come.

3. There Is No Such Thing As A Work-Life Balance

When you honestly want to better yourself and reach your goals as soon as possible, then you have to commit to a stricter work output than normal. I’m not saying this is healthy, or enjoyable, or the ONLY way to reach your goals. I’m being straight with you — devoting your time and yourself on an everyday basis is the fastest way to get there.

The time you spend not making effort, will be for relaxing, eating, basically maintaining your mental and physical needs. Burning yourself out by overworking is the worst thing you can do. You have to have rest periods so you can go back to your grind in peak shape.

If you want to reach your goals but maintain a more balanced lifestyle, then it’s completely possible, but you’re going to reach your destination slower. On the bright side, you’ll probably be happier.

For those who have less patience, and want to handle the pain that comes with crushing long-term goals in a shorter time period. This is your piece of advice.

4. You Need To Make Your Own Happiness

Here’s a very ugly truth: If you can’t generate your own happiness within while working on yourself and reaching your goals, you’re going to get depressed and unmotivated FAST.

You need to learn to get yourself going, even on bad days, you will never reach your destination if you give up on your goals when you aren’t feeling it. This is one of the most crucial things you need to learn how to do.

We all handle this in a different way, but personally, I let my feelings come and go as they are. What I do keep in mind is this: Beating myself up for who I am and how far I’ve come does not help.

Everyone experiences bad days and negative emotions. Don’t block them, let them pass. THEY pass just like everything else. Sentiments aren’t permanent. Just remember not to hold on to them, and judge yourself too hard.

As cliché as it is, self love and acceptance of where you are are MAJOR keys to maintaining happiness. The only time is now. The only way is forward.

5. Take Calculated Risks, Work Smart And Not Hard (Whenever You Can)

Finally, if there’s one advice I stick to after all these years, is to take calculated risks. I’m not saying you should be downright impulsive, I’m saying you should trust your gut more.

Your gut and your heart know things before your mind even knows it. And sometimes taking the leap is the best decision you can ever make. I’m speaking from experience. My life has turned around since I took the right leaps and got out of my comfort zone. Rode the winds of change, and I’m closer to my destination now than ever before.

And of course, when I have the privilege and chance to work smartly with less effort, I take it. Not every aspect in growth comes from hustling like a crazy person. When you detect opportunities to grow without making too much effort, take them.

Further in the future, you’ll spend more time making your ideas come to life just from making phone calls and managing other people. If that’s the goal, then work hard now, so you can work smart later.

6. Mindset Really Is Everything

I’ve made my own luck because of the things I believed in. I’ve gotten to places much faster than other people because I believed I deserve it. This is very impractical advice, but I’ll give it anyway.

Having a mindset that limits you and tells you that you won’t attain this and that is only going to produce you scarcity in real time. When you adapt a perception that isn’t being fed by a fear-driven ego that thinks it won’t get what it wants, you’ll live life on an easier mode.

You have to take care of your thoughts and emotions, they literally make patterns in your brain. So, bad patterns lead to bad results. Be mindful. Always.

The thing about developing a good mindset is, that it will lead you to make better decisions from initiating and executing better actions. It’s not magic, it’s the connectedness of everything. I’m not advocating toxic positivity, because there is no such thing as ‘all-positive’ or ‘all-negative’.

People will always have negative and positive thoughts, it’s only human. But feed the positive, so it feeds you back. Acknowledge the negativity that you harbour, so you know where you’re lacking. And so you know what to change or accept. Do not let it define you. Ever.



M. F.
M. F.

Written by M. F.

Traveling writer, game dev and fintech enthusiast on the side. I have a keen interest in technology, economics, politics, science and spirituality.

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